Valued Business Community

Valued Business Community

Valued Business Community – a safe space online for us to help support one another during the COVID-19 crisis

It’s a worrying time for us all both personally and professionally. Whether you’re a sole trader, partnership or limited company. Regardless of shape, size, sector, how many employees you have or the number of dependents counting on you at home, COVID-19 otherwise known as Coronavirus, means that we’re living in unprecedented times. Certainly, I can’t remember anything like this happening across the UK, let alone the whole world, in my lifetime.

That’s why now, more than ever, it’s really important that we all pull together to help support each other as best as we possibly can during these testing times. This isn’t a sales pitch or a plug for new business – quite the opposite in fact. You see, Valued was founded on the principles of supporting people so that they could get what they needed out of their business to live their very best lives. Right now, what we all need to get out of our respective businesses is to survive. We need to weather this storm and impending economic downturn, so that in time, we can begin to thrive again. 
Our purpose has always been to help. And that’s what we’re going to do now, more than ever…

Yesterday you’ll have seen we posted a blog giving you some topline advice on how we’re working at Valued to support our team but also to support you. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure you check it out. It’s full of COVID-19 business advice that’s important for you to know and act upon now.
Of course, as the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic is a dynamic situation, we’ll be posting and sharing further updates as and when we have reliable updates from credible sources, like more info on the £3,000 grant for small businesses.

For now though, we’re pleased to tell you that today we’re launching a brand new initiative that is designed to help you during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s a brand new Facebook Group called Valued Business Community. You can request to join the group by following this link. What’s more, this is not exclusive just for Valued’s customers. Rather, the group is open for all businesses, organisations and charities to join in County Durham and across the North East.

The purpose is to establish a little corner of the internet where we can all come together to help each other during these uncertain times.

Why not join up for free and post in the group a little something about yourself and your business? We’ll also be regularly sharing content in there from official sources, latest news and updates from Valued and much, much, more.

​Other ways you can use the group are:

  • Post about what support you’re looking for during these uncertain times
  • Look out for posts asking for support and see if your business can help
  • Recommend colleagues and contacts who might be able to help out another member of the group
  • Share resources, best practice, success stories and other uplifting anecdotes during these troubling times
  • Virtually ‘meet’ people in the same boat as you and buddy up to work on projects together
  • Arrange a hang out while on a working-from-home break for some social interaction with like-minded people
  • Be on hand to physically support members of the group if they can’t get out and about – do they live near you and could you drop off a bottle of milk as you’re passing if they’re fresh out?

The purpose of the Valued Business Community is to help. We’re not about vetting members to make sure they’re only clients of Valued – COVID-19 and the challenges it proposes are much bigger than that.

All we ask that when you do join, you recommend a friend and encourage them to join with you. 

Let’s build this community together into something that is not only a great place of support in terms of advice and guidance, but a place where we can cross-sell, up-sell, promote ourselves and each other – whatever it takes to support other businesses during these testing times.

Again, you can request to join our Valued Business Community Facebook group here. If you don’t currently have a Facebook account, may I suggest that you seriously consider creating one for free, even if only for use as means of keeping in touch, staying up-to-date and accessing the group as we ride out the Coronavirus crisis, so that together we’re in a stronger position to face the rescue and recovery stage, once the situation begins to improve.

Over the coming days and weeks, we’re stepping up our content to bring you more advice, support and anything else you might need to help navigate these stormy seas. Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for more info on the launch of Valued Live at Five, and how it can help you and your business.

Until then, if you have any questions or queries at all, our team is here to help and support you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing wecare@yourvalued.co.uk. Also, make sure you like and follow our Facebook page for regular updates as we monitor this unfolding situation.Take care and don’t forget to help out others in need too – this situation is bigger than the sum of all of us, but we can and will get through it together.

With best wishes,


This post was first featured on our old website.